A satisfying display

We inherited 2 bookshelves and 2 file cabinets from my husband’s office, which are already coming in handy. I’m not a fan anymore of the “blond” wood color so popular at IKEA, but beggars can’t be choosers. I thought I might be able to use one of the bookshelves in our “toy corner”, which was such a disaster, it wasn’t even funny. There was a small toy box against one wall, a vintage side table against the other, and toys & stuffed animals piled high all around, and more spilling onto the floor. The avalanche was so extreme, it even blocked the way to the TV entertainment center.

I ended up putting both bookshelves in the corner, even though they overlap slightly (maybe 2 inches). I decided to be OK with that, even though things like that tend to bother me. I’m a perfectionist. Not to be confused with “I do everything perfectly”, by any means! So, after placing a few things, neatly, on the shelves, I took a step back and stared at the tops. It was too bare. It needed some visual interest. So I looked around for something cool, or pretty, and decided on the fairy house. I had seen it at Pottery Barn Kids, and fell so much in love, that I kept an eye out for when it went on sale. It’s exactly the kind of thing I look at longingly, thinking, “I could probably make that!”, but of course never do. Then I started putting books on the shelf, picked up a vintage one sent to me by ex-blogger pixiegenné, and wondered how it would look on top, next to the fairy house. It was earthy-toned, and had to do with magic, so I thought it was perfect. Then I had to find something for the other bookshelf, because, well, it had to be balanced. I need things to be symmetrical. I didn’t want anything bright & plastic, so I chose the Radio Flyer wagon. Then I picked up a pile of these vintage schoolbooks that were being given away at my daughters’ school, and wondered if I could put one in or next to the wagon, maybe a blue one for my son (since it was looking like one shelf was for my daughters, the other for my son). It didn’t work out. So I just put the book on the other side of the fairy house. It looks nice! I’m quite satisfied with it.

Oh, and I love the shadow the fairy house casts on the wall in the afternoon. “Oh, What Fun!”, and “A Magic Afternoon”, indeed!



shelf top

I need a “clean sweep”!

I did 6 loads of laundry today, and cleared some clutter from the dining room. I really don’t want to be up all night on Friday, getting things ready for the party on Saturday. I always do that… and I’m tired of it. It’s got to stop! So I decided I will just have to bust my ass every day this week, getting the great room ready, which actually only means clearing it of junk. That’s a tall order. We have piles of crap everywhere. Piles of clothes, toys everywhere, unwanted things, bags for the Goodwill, it goes on & on. I really wish “Clean Sweep” and “Clean House” came to San Diego, because we would so qualify.

*Image from mystyle.com

*Image from tlc.discovery.com

Oh, and completely unrelated to this, we had our first playgroup meetup today! My daughter decided to play with a little girl who wasn’t even there with the group, but oh well. At least we got to meet a few moms + kids, and my kids got to play. It looks like park days are always on Tuesdays, which works just fine. This was the 3rd park we visited, that we’d never been to before, just like last week. I’ve gotta say, there are some nice parks in La Mesa! I’ll have to take the whole family some time.

Birthday eve

My birthday’s tomorrow, on the 11th! I’ll be 31. My gift to myself: access to my bedroom closet & bathroom. I was in there all day today, or at least trying to be, as much as my kids would allow! My room was definitely worthy of a “Clean Sweep”. I was tempted to take pictures of “before” to post here, but I think it’d probably make some people nauseous. There was literally about a foot-wide path from the door to the bed, with clothes, bags, boxes, and just general clutter and junk on either side. Well, to be fair to myself, my son’s bassinet and changing table are immediately to the right walking in, so that makes it really cramped. I can’t bring myself to get rid of the bassinet… it’s the white wicker one from Pottery Barn Baby, and my husband drove all the way to Mission Viejo to buy it for me, when little sister was born. It was $300! Needless to say, I am very attached to it.

So I’m not done with the room, frankly, I didn’t think it would take me this long! Really, my only goal this weekend was to be able to walk into the bathroom and closet without having to raise my leg 3 feet in the air to step over the crap blocking my way. But then in a fit of cleaning rage, I decided to overhaul the entire closet. It’s not big, mind you- they call it a “walk-in”, and it does have a normal door, and you can technically walk in and close the door behind you, but space and storage-wise, it’s the same size as a regular, apartment-sized closet. How I wish I could someday have a real walk-in closet!

I am really excited about one thing, though: my new purse rack! Who knew such a simple, inexpensive thing could bring about such transformation?! It’s placed on my closet door, so that the purses hang inside, and not outside. I didn’t want to have to see them on a daily basis. Now, when I’m inside the closet, I feel like I’m in my own personal purse boutique! Honestly! It made me quite giddy.

*Image from bedbathandbeyond.com

It holds 16 purses, and I did use every hook. I could probably use another single one, though. But I’ll just leave my hanging sweater shelf, which houses my clutches and other random, smaller purses & bags. I made room in it, and was able to put some shoes there that didn’t previously have a home. It’s getting so organized in there, I love it! Now onto the area in front of the bathroom, and the rest of the room. Darn it, I have to start working on the Harry Potter party. Ohh, wish me luck.