To blog, or not to blog, that is the question…

Well, it’s been over 3 years. And it seems like no one really blogs anymore. Where is everyone? Busy living their lives, busy raising kids, busy building a successful business… and most likely all over Instagram. I always wanted to be one of those popular bloggers who had a beautiful site that inspired, or made people laugh, or brought in money somehow. People also do that on Instagram these days, obviously, and some people make it look so easy. Which just makes you jealous and envious. No? Just me? Ok.

I realize social media and the Internet can be negative influences if you let them, and I know that personally, I want to strive for my family to spend more time doing worthwhile things in real life. But I also still kind of wish I was one of the “cool” kids. I know my blog will never reach that kind of status, especially since I have no real, marketable talent. So I’m ok with it just being my own little corner of the virtual world, a place where I can write down my thoughts and experiences, and maybe be a part of some sort of community. Maybe even spread some good, some wisdom, some beauty. Yes, sapientia et venustas. Wisdom and beauty.



A KitchenAid Coffee Maker Giveaway!

I’ve been entering giveaways like crazy lately, including Twitter parties. What else can I do while I’m at home and not making any money? It couldn’t hurt, so why the heck not? I’ve already won a few things, and I will admit, it makes me greedy for more! Especially seeing how VERY OFTEN others win. Seriously, there are some individuals who win prizes almost daily, even multiple times a day, at different Twitter parties! Sigh, but I digress. The point of this post is to share the KitchenAid coffee maker giveaway hosted by Baby Loving Mama. Who wouldn’t want to win this snazzy set? Then we wouldn’t be limited to the 2 cups of coffee we get from our French press. That would be awesome.

The Ultimate Blog Party!

Why did I not know about this?!? This may be just the kind of thing my blog needed… my poor, lonely, anemic, unpopular blog. Or maybe it’s my content that’s the problem? Or lack thereof, LOL. Ahh, well. Onto business:

The lovely ladies over at 5 Minutes for Mom have been throwing the “Ultimate Blog Party” this week, and as usual, I’m terribly late. But I don’t think it matters! They’re taking entries until 11:59 PM Eastern, Friday April 8th. And the prizes are PLENTIFUL! This party is epic, people. It’s kind of mind-blowing. So check it out. Or don’t. Whatever. More chance for the rest of us!

Ultimate Blog Party 2011


School starts in a month. My eldest is entering junior high… what the eff. I feel so old, and yet I’m not… I hate that feeling. Her desk broke when we moved in March, so I started looking for a desk + hutch on craigslist. Found a very nice one for $75, had my husband go look at it after work one day. Told him if it looked good, buy it. So he did. That day it came home, as we were cleaning & arranging it, my husband asked her if she wanted the Twilight books (which I’ve read, but wouldn’t let her). She said yes, because of course she has wanted to read them, and she’s seen the first 2 movies. She asked me if that was ok, so I thought about it. Why did I have to think about it? Why did I never let her read them in the first place? Because they are technically “young adult” books. Key word being, “adult”. They explore feelings & emotions I was not ready for her to be exposed to, even though so many of her friends had read them. (Hello, Eclipse & Breaking Dawn?!)

So, taking all this into account, and the fact that she’s already heard age-inappropriate things at school, I decided I may as well bite the bullet. I told her to close the door. We had “the talk”. She covered her face in disgust. She cried. I was only a wee bit mortified. :p

On an entirely unrelated note, this lonely blog of mine turns 3 next week. Wow. Will I dream up a fancy way of celebrating? In a perfect world, I would. In other words, probably not. We shall see.


hutch + pompoms from our double birthday party

new desk

Vintage Sunday!

It’s so boring around this ol’ blog, I decided to spice things up. Everyone and their mother has a “Monday this”, or a “Wednesday that” category, so I figured why not me? Well, actually it’s the reverse, like “Wordless Wednesday”, or “Thoughtful Thursday”, but you get the gist. I decided something easy I can do, and fun, is to share anything vintage I have, or even like, but don’t have. Isn’t there tons of that out there for everyone? I think so. So here we go!

Starting simple, with a vintage postcard from Spain:


Do you see the incredible needlework there?

See the ribbon? Such detail, all for a postcard! They sure don’t make things like they used to.

Clip Art

A while ago, I read about Dover’s weekly design sampler on the angry chicken blog. I signed up, then kept ignoring the weekly emails, and just let them pile up. Then I got another message from Dover, reminding people that the free clip art actually expires! Crap. Who knows what kind of cool stuff I missed out on! So I just wanted to share, and let people know that this week’s in particular is very good. There’s a group of very pretty fairy ones, including a paper doll! Check it out:

how to sign up

Edit:The fairies can no longer be linked to, obviously, so if anyone would like to see them, just ask!


Can you feel the days getting longer? The sun lingering later? I can. I cannot believe we change our clocks again this weekend! Seriously, it feels like we just did that. Man, time is flying faster than ever it seems, and it’s really scaring me. I’ve gotta make the most of it!

Check out these beautiful things, just in time for Spring:

Betz White’s mini-tote

Lauren Alane’s fabulous birds

Dream a Little Etsy shop


Apparently both of the movies I’ve been excited to see are total duds. That sucks! I might just go see “The Other Boleyn Girl” for the costumes and accents.

I got my clothes from Delia’s and Alloy today, and as I feared, the dress was big. What did I expect, ordering a “small”? I knew it would be a bit big, but hoped it wouldn’t look too bad. I’ll have to see how it looks with a long-sleeve tee underneath, and maybe some tights or leggings. Leggings? What am I talking about, I don’t even own any. The denim top makes me look pregnant! The dress too, a little bit. Totally looks like a maternity dress on me. Geez. When will I learn I shouldn’t order clothes online? Nothing ever fits me right… I’m the type that has to try everything on. You obviously can’t do that when you order online! Another disappointment is not being able to return these items to a store. The nearest Delia’s is in Texas! But even if I had one nearby, they don’t accept catalog returns. Again, I knew about all this before ordering, but I’m stubborn. I just can’t help it when the clothes are so cute and inexpensive. I think this will be my last try, though. In the immortal words of Tim Gunn, I will just have to “make it work”.

*Image from

Talent, and a lack of…

So, as if there weren’t enough blogs that make me jealous inspire me, I discovered 3 more today, thanks to Wee Wonderfuls and One More Moore. Thanks a lot!

Sugar City Journal found via Wee Wonderfuls

Pam Kitty Morning found via One More Moore

Wishful Stitches found via Pam Kitty Morning

What kind of a mother whips up fabulous, French-inspired, chic-as-can-be clothing for her kids, while also taking care of them and (presumably) doing housework? Oh, that’s right, the kind with talent. You have got to see this coat.

I wonder if I’ll ever be that good. I suppose practice makes perfect, but what I lack is vision. I really don’t want my kids to remember me as just a wannabe. I dabble in lots of crafty things, but I’m still not good at any of them. I wish I was artsy-designy, too, because I love what (seemingly) every one does with their websites and blogs, and all those Etsy artists out there, my goodness. Such amazing work. I wonder if my day will ever come?