
I have not even opened the camera I got for Christmas, the Diana+. My husband keeps asking me if I have, and I’m feeling lamer and lamer. I’ve seen so many cool pictures on Flickr, I really should try it out. Here are some samples:




1. .breanna.
2. rodrigo23
3. moominsean

I wanna go to the movies!

I don’t go to the movies often at all, but does any housewife? The last movies I saw at the theater were “Enchanted”, and “Hairspray”. I took both girls to see “Enchanted”, and only big sis to see “Hairspray”. Anyhoo, I can’t wait to go see “Penelope”! Her nose kinda freaks me out, but I hope I’ll like it anyway. I would also like to see “The Other Boleyn Girl”. I freakin’ love period films, especially if there are British accents involved. Swoon. Anybody wanna go with me?

*Image from

*Image from

Birthday at the San Diego Zoo

Big sister turned 9 today! Holy cow. I was going through my business card container yesterday, and found our zoo passes, so I asked if she wanted to go for her birthday. Both girls screamed “Yeahh!!”. That was funny.

Here’s brother looking at the flamingoes:

Enjoying her favorite thing in the whole world:




My favorite flamingo shot:

Giraffe topiary:

I was so shocked when I saw him eating both at the same time!
Well, why not?

The birthday girl:

I kept waiting to get a decent heart shape:

One of my favorite things about the zoo – the peacocks are almost always up in the 2 giant trees at the entrance, and it’s so cool to hear them call out:







A paw, lovingly placed on its napping mate:



This looks like an Oriental willow to me, if there is such a thing:

These pics really don’t do it justice!


I’d never seen these, or heard of them – cabbage trees?


I don’t know what this plant is called, but it’s skinny, and funky, and I like it:

The skyline, overlooking Balboa Park and downtown, as seen from the skyfari:

These white birds were perched waay atop this tree, it was cool:

No go

Today’s playgroup meet-up was a bust! We got there, and the playground was closed. There were at least 5 workers there, adding extra sand or something. It was around 1 PM, and I was told we could come back after 2:30. Needless to say, we didn’t meet any new friends. We were so bummed! So I took the little ones to the nearest park. Man, it was HOT today! Little sis actually worked up a good(?) sweat, her face was so red! There was one other little girl there, thankfully. So she at least got to play with someone. Poor thing! I got pretty emotional seeing her so excited to have someone to play with. It made me feel so bad for her, and like such a horrible mother. I thought, wow, she won’t learn how to be social until kindergarten! That’s not until next year! I’ve been telling her for over 6 months now, that she’s going to kindergarten when she’s 4 1/2. Well, turns out I was wrong. I was so devastated when I found that out. The cut-off is December 5th. You have to be 5 by that date. Her birthday’s on the 17th. Can you believe that s***? So we have to wait a whole ‘nother year. She’ll be even older than her sister was in kindergarten, and I was already pissed about that. Good grief.

My husband said something at dinner tonight, when the kids were done and it was just us…

“I was talking to little sis last night, and I asked her, ‘What’s your most favorite thing in the whole world?’. She thought for about 5 seconds, and then she said, ‘Lollipops’. And I thought, you know, when she asks for a lollipop, I can’t say no! You know? Because that’s her favorite thing, in the whole world, and you say, ‘no’? So I can’t say no. I’m just gonna give her one. ‘Cause I can give her that.”

That really brought tears to my eyes. It was a beautiful sentiment, and I almost started crying. That’s the spirit, Dad! Indeed, Dad. Indeed.


1. for our 1st ever playgroup meet-up tomorrow!
2. for this damn virus to go away
3. for my Delia’s package to arrive
4. for my Alloy package to arrive
5. for my sprained pinky toe to stop hurting

From Delia’s:
emma plaid
This plaid blouse, and one in black as well.
denim top
From Alloy:
denim dress

Stop laughing… I know they’re totally juvenile, but I’m hoping I can pull it off. I’m not that old!

Just like home

Dinner tonight reminded me of our dinners growing up: usually white rice, a meat dish, and some greens. Tonight’s was cooked by my husband, and much simpler than my mom’s, to make it more kid-friendly. But it still brought me back. YUM!

Teriyaki chicken and mustard greens.


A quiet Saturday

I’m feeling a lot worse tonight, after feeling better earlier today… what gives?

This is how we spent a quiet Saturday, back in November, I think. We don’t often have moments like these, and I’d like to change that. No crying, whining, or complaining, no arguing with siblings, just some good, quality, imaginative playtime. It was cool.

Fairy’s bedroom.

Chair in the corner, table, and nightstand.

That shiny, half-circle shaped thing on the left? Her TV!

My favorite TV shows

The 2 little ones and I have been sick these past 2 days, so we haven’t left the house. Not even to pick up big sis from school. I have absolutely nothing to share! I could show more things I love at Etsy, but I’d be afraid someone would buy them! I know, I’m a freak. So instead, I’m going to list my favorite TV shows.

Old absolute favorites:

1. Alias
2. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
3. Cheers
4. Friends
5. Martha Stewart Living
6. The X-Files
7. Twin Peaks

Old regular favorites:

1. Angel
2. Gilmore Girls
3. Will & Grace

Currently scheduled on my DVR:

1. Chuck
2. Desperate Housewives
3. ER
4. Grey’s Anatomy
5. Medium
6. Prison Break

Shows I love, but only watch when I catch them:

1. Barefoot Contessa
2. Clean Sweep
3. CSI
4. Design on a Dime
5. Divine Design
6. Everyday Italian
7. Flip That House
8. Law & Order: Criminal Intent
9. Project Runway
10. Property Ladder
11. Jon & Kate Plus 8

I wish they would air more of the BBC’s “What Not to Wear” and “How Clean is Your House?”. I hate the American “What Not to Wear”, and I don’t like the new hosts of the British one. I want Trinny and Susannah back!

*Image from


My favorite brownies, from my favorite panaderia, or Mexican bakery. It’s Panchita’s, in Golden Hill. Isn’t it a beaut?


Look at what my daughter made in art class at school today, I love it! What a great project! It’s perfect for a birthday party activity. I will definitely attempt it, when I throw either one of the girls a Japanese-themed birthday party, such as the one in Martha Stewart Kids. Remember that one?



I found this today, bid on it with 2 minutes left (without permission!), was the high bidder, then got beat with seconds to spare! Ugghh, I will beat myself up for that for the rest of my life. IT’S GORGEOUS! Effing gorgeous! I’m so mad at myself. It sold for $122, and it so would have been worth spending (just a little) more. Now I’m obsessing over vintage art nouveau lockets, and probably won’t rest until I have one in my greedy little hands!

*Edit: The original locket photo is no longer available, but you can see more here.

Darn it!

One of my favorite “favorites” on Etsy was sold recently. I should’ve just bought it, instead of adding it to my favorites. Maybe I should contact the seller, to see if they’ll be making any more? I doubt it. Seemed like a one-of-a-kind. I’ve got to make it to Paris while I’m young, and still have the energy to walk all of those streets, and enjoy the Louvre thoroughly. Someday.

*Art by labokoff

Edit: I’m such a dummy! She has 2 more for sale! Woo hoo!