Punkin Patch or Bust!

This is what we did on Saturday:


The pumpkin patch at Victoria’s Gardens in Lakeside.

“U-pick”, but not really! Notice the strawberry plants underneath!

The corn maze was neat.


Sad ponies…


The flower maze was short & sweet, I thought the topiaries were cool!






My son’s 1st petting zoo!

Why, hello there!

In today’s mail

I opened my mailbox today to find Real Simple, Blueprint, and a Netflix movie (Reign Over Me)! I hate it when all we get is bills and/or junk mail. Who doesn’t? Anyway, my first thought when seeing Blueprint’s cover was “Ech”. Inconceivable, I know, but for some reason it doesn’t appeal to me. I think it’s gaudy. Martha? Gaudy? Why I never! I don’t mean to be blasphemous! I do love the tree, and the dress, but everything all together is just too much.

Then I started flipping through it, and came across an article entitled “Best Midwestern”. It rang a bell, something I’d seen on a blog, mentioning Amy Butler’s new book. I flipped past, then flipped back, and started reading about the beautiful white Christmas tree in the couple’s home. Hanging from it were some handmade 3-D fabric ornaments, and underneath the tree were some fabric-wrapped presents. The text said something about it being “her signature fabric”, and then the bell went off in my head! Duh! It’s an Amy Butler feature! So cool. Not that I own any of her books, or fabrics, or ANYTHING. In fact, the only reason I know of her is because of all the blogs I read. But I do love her designs. Here’s a sneak peek until you get your own copy of the magazine:



Happy Friday!

I need therapy…

retail therapy, that is. Well, probably the other kind, too, but we won’t go there. It’s been a pissy-mood weekend, and I think a trip to Anthropologie would definitely lift my spirits. I was browsing online last week, and saw this coat:

*Photo from anthropologie.com

I freakin’ love it. Not the price tag! As is usually the case with anything at Anthropologie. It’s $199.95! On sale! I only buy things on sale, and even then, they cost an arm & a leg. But I love them, and my husband is nice enough to indulge me. Well, it’s too bad they don’t have my size anymore. Or is it? Because I just might have asked for it for Christmas! Ooh, speaking of Christmas, I really, really want to buy this set for my daughters:

retro fridge & stove
*Photo from costco.com

It’s only $139.99 at Costco, I think that’s totally acceptable. I know my husband wouldn’t, boo-hoo. Hmm… maybe I’ll hit up my mother-in-law. Yeah, I think I will. Wish me luck.


Hello, people. I’ve been waiting to post until I learn how to post with pictures, but since that hasn’t happened, I’m deciding to forge on. I have to share my current obsession. It’s the song that plays toward the end of The Painted Veil. Even though I speak Spanish, and have learned Italian and French, I never taught any of my children any foreign language. Maybe a word here or there, but that’s it. Everyone in my extended family always shames me for not teaching my children Spanish. I always thought I would, when I was younger and hadn’t had any kids yet, but then I had them, and it just didn’t flow out of me naturally. I can’t explain it. Maybe because I’m not Mexican, I don’t know. Anyway, now I really wish I had given them that gift. Because I think it’s so much easier to learn foreign language when you already speak one. But back to the movie… I was all ready to rate it “3 stars” on Netflix (a “liked it”), as opposed to 4 or 5 (“really liked it” and “loved it”), until the end. I heard this song (if you haven’t seen the movie, don’t watch! just listen) and thought, “Oh, that’s it. I have to teach the girls French”. I immediately fell in love. It was sad, sweet, beautiful, enchanting. I really wish they had included it in the soundtrack, the version with the Beijing children’s choir. Oh, so sweet. It’s actually a French children’s folksong, and I’ve been singing it for the past 2 days. My son, who’s 16 months old, even started singing along with me. So cute! I play it for him on the computer, and he sings “aaah”, in his falsetto baby voice, and sways from side to side. Is there anything sweeter or cuter?! Egads.

So I think I’ll give it 4 stars. Not just because of the song, but because Naomi Watts’ character redeems herself in the end. And I “really liked” that.